Welcome to Kerry and the new walks near Mountain Brandon which we refer to as the Kerry Camino. The walks in this area are spectacular walk in the footsteps of St, James in Spain or walk in the footsteps of St. Brendan, who is commonly referred to as the “Navigator”. From 512-530 AD St Brendan sailed from Kerry. His purpose was to speech God’s Word along the coasts of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Brittany. It is believed that St Brendan may have reached Iceland and Newfoundland and possible the North coast of America.
Following the Pilgrim trail of St Brendan on the Dingle Way Marked Way from St. Johns Church in Tralee, passing through Annascaul and Camp and ending in St. Johns Church Dingle. The walker who registers at the Tralee Tourist Office will receive a free pack which contains a walker’s log book where the walker stamps at pre-determined locations along the trail.
You can get your log booked stamped in Annascaul and make sure to stay in Annascaul / Anascaul and Abhainn Na Scail as gaeilge anytime you like where you will get an enormous welcome.